About Me

Hi there, I'm Toner Alba. I have been on a "diet" since I was 10 years old. Did I need to be? Heck no! But my mother had issues with her weight and they became mine. I was a chubby little girl but I wasn't fat or unhealthy. However, a lifetime of "dieting" and then falling off the wagon made me fat and unhealthy and put me to my highest weight ever...209 pounds! (I can't believe that I can finally say that number now!)

On August 3, 2013, I was at a dinner for my sister's birthday, pigging out on the fattiest foods possible, and she said she just joined Weight Watchers and was having success. So, the next day, I joined WW and a week later I joined Anytime Fitness and together, they changed my life...forever! I have never once felt like I'm on a diet. I feel like I am living and I'm doing it right! I couldn't fit in a booth at a restaurant, I had quit going to amusement parks and concerts because I couldn't fit or walk without pain and I couldn't even get in my car without being out of breath. I wasn't living but I WAS dying... quickly!

My cholesterol was so bad that my doctor told me I'd have a heart attack within 10 years if something didn't change. On my one year anniversary of joining weight watchers, I lost my 100th pound! I'd say that was the change he was talking about! It was the greatest day of my life...up to that point! I have now lost 65 pounds and I'm 7 days into my New Year's Resolution to go to the gym every single day for a year! I will do it because I feel unstoppable! I have done bootcamp, I went to my first amusement park in 15 years, I went on my first AND LAST roller coaster (LOL), I have done presentations at WW about my success to inspire newbies (and rocked them) and my cholesterol dropped 35 points in one year!

I started this page to inspire others to start their own journey. The letters I get make me cry, literally! There are so many people that are as lost as I was, just looking for one thing to inspire them to make that change, take that leap...I want to be that one thing! I WANT TO INSPIRE! The feeling of being an inspiration at the one thing I always failed at is amazing! I hope I can help you take that first step towards changing your life too!


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